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Partick Thistle FC
Partick Thistle FC

Blast From The Past – Inverness CT

Scottish Second Division

4th August 1998

Partick Thistle 0 Inverness Caledonian Thistle 1

I have often thought that when Inverness Caledonian and Inverness Thistle joined forces to become Inverness Caledonian Thistle, it was a great pity that Clachnacuddin were left out in the cold. Mind you, a three-way merger would have created a rather unwieldy title, don’t you think? Anyway, for just the two clubs to link up was the decision taken and it’s none of our business to delve into the reasons, but poor old Clachnacuddin!

Thistle had often toured up north for pre-season training to improve fitness levels but what happens when the serious stuff gets underway? Down come Inverness Caledonian Thistle to Firhill and they beat us 1-0 apparently! It’s a funny world, though, I must admit I saw nothing remotely funny in the result shown at the head of this article and I am sure the vast majority of those in attendance at Firhill that evening would share that view.

The following is the team which failed to send the visitors back up the road with their tail between their legs:- Kenny Arthur, David Kennedy, Scott McArthur, Willie Jamieson, Alan Archibald, Graham Connell, Martin Lauchlan, Tommy Bryce, Alan Morgan, Tommy Callaghan, Mark Donaghy.

At the end of the season we finished 8th while Inverness occupied 2nd place. Our fortunes were at a low ebb but, although we didn’t know it at the time, better times lay ahead.

The chairman of the club, the late Mr Brown McMaster, ended his programme notes by saying (and I quote) – Last season we all worked together to save the club. This season, let us all work together to get back towards our rightful place in Scottish Football. With your help I am sure we can do it – and we did! It took a bit of time, but we emerged from the dark tunnel of ‘Save the Jags’, back into the daylight and, as they say, the rest is history.

Reverting to the match in question, there were a few interesting names in the Inverness line-up, notably Paul Sheerin, Mark McCulloch, who also played for Thistle, Barry Wilson, Duncan Shearer, Scott McLean, a prolific scorer for the Maryhill version of the Jags, Charlie Christie, father of the current Celtic star, and Barry Robson.

Incidentally, we redressed the balance by beating the Highlanders 2-1 on their next visit to Firhill on the 19th of December. Revenge is sweet!

By the way, who is the Thistle player on the front cover?


Robert R.

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