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Partick Thistle FC
Partick Thistle FC

Fàilte gu Firhill: official launch of Gaelic language initiative

Partick Thistle FC was proud to yesterday host the official launch of the club’s Gaelic language initiative including new signage at Firhill Stadium, which is a first in Scottish professional football.

Invited guests and media learned more about the project and enjoyed a stadium tour with Thistle being the first Scottish professional football club, and only second in the world, to have bilingual English and Gaelic signage in situ at its home ground.

Welcomed to Firhill at the launch event were: Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport; Kaukab Stewart, MSP for Glasgow Kelvin; Iain MacMillan, Director of Development, Bòrd na Gàidhlig; and staff and pupils from Àrd Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu (Glasgow Gaelic Secondary School).

The Gaelic language signage was officially unveiled when Maree Todd MSP cut a ribbon at the Welcome To Firhill / Fàilte gu Firhill sign positioned within the main entrance of the Colin Weir Stand. A special thanks goes to all the pupils from Àrd Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu for assisting with translation throughout the tour.

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