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Partick Thistle FC

May 2024 Centenary Fund Results and Update on Centenary Fund

Results from the May Centenary Fund Draw are now available online here.

The June edition of the Centenary Fund Draw will be the last in its current format as we make the transition to a new lottery platform, ClubForce, from the 16th of June.

The club’s Commercial Executive Lewis Dickson said:

“We’ve been looking at ways to improve our Centenary Fund for a while now and we feel the move to ClubForce is one that will make it better for everyone involved.

“The aim is to provide a more user-friendly experience while also offering a bigger cash jackpot which will be available to win monthly. We’ll also smaller cash prizes, signed merchandise and bespoke experiences which can be won. More details on how to register for the new format will be released very soon.”

Entry to the June draw will conclude on Monday 10th June, with the draw being made on Monday 17th June.

All payments received after the 10th of June 2024 will not be drawn in the Centenary Fund in its current format. Please cancel your current payment method before the 11th of June and sign up to ClubForce.

Users should sign up to the new platform prior to the 16th of July to be included in the new monthly draw. The first jackpot prize will be £1,000 with nine guaranteed ‘Lucky Dip’ winners. The jackpot will increase every month if there is no winner.

Details on how to sign up to ClubForce and the new draw format will be announced shortly.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the new Centenary Fund Draw format, get in touch by calling 0141 579 1971 or contacting  .

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